• Bringing a Positive change in the Edible Oil
  • +91 99099 27800
  • Certified Company
  • ISO 9001: 2022
  • Great Industrial
  • Solution Provider
  • Address
  • Kadiyana, Road, Halvad, Gujarat 363330

Health Tips


Normal calories

Normal calories intake for men -1800 kcal
Normal calories intake for women-1200 kcal
The calorie count varies according to your age, height & daily activity level
Have your breakfast regularly
Sleep for 6-7 hours

Health Tips

Drink at least 8 glasses of Water
Don’t skip a meal
Eat fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Use the best quality Edible Oils
Avoid aerated drinks & alcohol
Drink fresh Lime water or Coconut water
Reduce the intake of salt & sugar in your diet
mental health

There are also specific changes you can make to prevent heart diseases.

Avoid alcohol
Look after your mental health
Your positive changes in lifestyle can make you happiest
Do at least 30-45 minutes of exercise regularly
Manage stress-free life
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